A Little of This Goes a Long Way

In The Mind of a Detox Junkie 0 comments

Hello all you wonderful people of recovery, fearlessly searching for something better: Fearlessly searching for the real YOU!

If you've been following my journey so far, a quick little update for you:

Detox Junkie is my ‘sobriquet’ and through my Facebook page, I offer videos, memes, pic. posts, stories and blogs of life in recovery, PTSD, ADHD, relationship issues and codependency and learning to live as ones true self.

I am very outspoken about my own life, follies, victories and pains. I now see that the truth about living as a HUMAN and sharing the struggles I've experienced, and showing that there is a solution, has brought hope and inspiration to so so many.

I have received over 500,000 interactions with my content, and DJ posts have reached over 7 million people in only a few months. It's truly incredible.

Things started to heat up once I launched this website, which is the home of my longer blog posts, and where one can book me for Recovery and Lifestyle Coaching. It has been an amazing experience getting this heavy ball rolling..

The New Year shows so much promise - I'm very excited. It's incredibly intimidating to put ones self 'out there' in such a raw and honest fashion, and even scarier to monetize ones LIFE experience - I mean, any business start up is scary, but this one has no guide book, you can't learn it in a University, and the product is, well, ME. Yes, it certainly has played a little havoc in this brain of mine, but I am confident, have been proven in my abilities, have learned to nurture my creative side, developed my writing, practiced my speaking forrrrrrr houuurrsss and have been absolutely diligent in every aspect of my own healing. It's been, is and will continue to be, an amazing journey.

That is a LOT going on, while still getting used to being a single dad of 3 freakin' kick ass kids, a partner to an amazing woman, and navigating this kaleidoscope of a world with sober and virgin eyes.

I just woke up... And when I fell asleep I was 17 years old.

What an amazing life. If I can leave any of you with one piece of advice - and I've learned this in such a hard way: life is fucking fleeting. Do YOU. I'm serious. It doesn't mean to ignore others, it means take care of yourself FIRST. Your relationships will blossom, you will smile more, you will feel more motivated, and best of all - and I absolutely promise you - you will LOVE that person in the mirror - it's just the truth.